Monday, November 29, 2004

This just in:

AMC is running a new series Wednesday nights at 2200hrs. Film Fakers. Why is this cool, other than the concept? A regular cast member happens to be Jeremy Schwartz.

So? Who is this clown? You ask. I'll tell you. He hopped tables with LBG, Stodgy, and I at Bay Street Restaurant twelve years ago and we all were the best of friends. He was an actor even then, with the Pegasus Theater Co. in Deep Ellum at the time, and Heidi, my girl at the time, and I caught all his shows. He was a genius, even then.

There was one time in the restaurant where he even got old Clime into an impromptu performance, and I must say I did hang with him. Here is the setup: It was a weekday lunch shift and Jeremy and I had adjoining wait stations. The hostess seated a pair of muscleheads in workout gear at one of his tables, then had a quiet conversation with Jeremy. Jeremy came over to me and told me that these two clowns had previously walked out of the restaurant across the street from ours because the host that tried to seat them there happened to be gay. The Host was also a very cordial aquaintance of all of the staff at our restaurant. The service industry is a tight one. We couldn't resist. Enter Jeremy and Clime, stage left. We proceeded to the waitstand opposite these two clown's table and got into a tiff over some sidework; filling salt shakers or rolling silverware or something. It then escalated and snowballed into a heated, screaming lover's spat between the two of us. The two chimps promptly got up and left.

I surely hope this regular gig on Television turns into great things for the guy. If you have the patience for surfing web content, you can see his work on Kontraband. Look for the Fed Ex ad on this page titled Fed Ex/Castaway. It debuted as a blue-chip ad during the 2002 SuperBowl.


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