Thursday, February 17, 2005

Useful information, useless rambling...

Chipotle: Satan's bistro.

Did you know that a Chipotle Burrito with either meat has 1100 calories? That's half of a normal person's daily caloric intake. Wow. Guess I have my entire caloric intake covered when I get one along with an order of four chicken tacos. And now, on top of the food, on top of the fact that it is across the street from the house, they have to go and actually hire a hot chick to take your order. Now I'm stuck eating there once a day...


The funniest day by far at work. Expansion and remodeling of the building. Clime's ceiling is the sky.

Noted: an electrician-type working on an old, old, phone panel widely believed to be no longer in use.
Noted: the cable harness holding all those little phone wires hanging loosely away from the panel.
Noted: said electrician type scratching his head.
Noted: J, one of my peers, coming into the room a microsecond later, screaming "Dude! Did you just cut the phone lines?!!!"

I'm already starting to chuckle at the dillema. No comm, no data transfer. Dead in the water for the rest of the day. All the guys think the incident was a riot, watching everyone going poplectic over it. Hehehehe Then the big boss comes out. This is golden.

JT: What freaking moron told you to cut all the phone lines?!
Electrician: Um, I think you did...
Electrician: Yeah, you did. You said to tear the panel down and clear out all the lines because it was obsolete and no longer in use, when we did our planning walk-through.
JT: Oh.
Electrician: Guess it's obsolete and no longer in use, now.
JT: Shaddap.

Yep, work was a snicker-fest...


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