Saturday, March 12, 2005

Bolt upright. Oh-Dark-thirty.

Internal Clock Dilemma

As has been the case for the past six weeks or so, I wake up like recruit at revielle at around five thirty or six in the a.m. on the weekend. I spend the morning either screwing around on the web, as is the case here, or just vegging out with the TV on, eventually dropping off at midday, completely nix-ing my entire day off. I think it is a sympathy pang thing for Stodgy, as he has the same cycle, albeit at an earlier time-cycle.

Night of nights

Went out for dinner with LBG and Meredith, and we were joined by Mario and Swalto later at the table. Highlights as follows:

Mario: On Masterbation: At that age I put a whole first grade class into a kleenex.

Clime: That so surpasses your "I'm going to have so much sex with (insert starlet here), that I'm going to give myself tennis elbow.

LBG, Mario, and Swalto: I am so pissed. No one told me I would have to spend and aditional 15 gold pieces on training a mount for my character after shelling out 90 pieces for it in WarCraft...

Mimi: Yawn.

Clime: Laughing.

At about this time Mimi put together about six feet worth of stirrer straws, sent them down the table and into my bottle of Corona and bogarted my beer.

It's been a month of hell, but if this wasn't a total decompression, I don't know what is. Salud and Cheers, Bruce Willis!


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