Sunday, December 12, 2004


Notable occurences on a very short Saturday night.

Hei-Five. USC's Matt Leinart wins the Heisman Trophy. Justice is served. Reading the local paper for the past week has been torture, as we share a river with Oklahoma, and because of this, the Morning News feels inclined to throw in with the OU, and Big 12 clowns...

Directly after the award presentation show, ESPN aired "3": the Dale Ernhardt Story. I am not a NASCAR fan, and when I did give the sport a peek, I definitely was NOT an Ernhardt fan. Nevertheless, this ESPN film was well done and, I must say, much better than average in the 'interesting' category.

It was during this film, that I had a religious moment. They played the first trailer for "Tilt". A poker film starring Michael Madsen. That's right, a Poker film starring Michael Madsen. Wapaah! Best of all Worlds! Mr. Blond/Mr. Chapel/KillBill's'Bud' as a poker table heavy.

Now to find that trailer online so I can share it with 'the world', aka thosepeoplewhoknowmeandmypenchantforTarantinofilmsandmymancrushonMichaelMadsenwhoalsohappen toreadthisjournal.


Blogger lilblackgirl said...

yer a freak
maybe i'm just cynical and ignoring my man-crush on the man too (did you see my movie quote?), a movie about poker? what is your deal with gambling? listen people, if you could see Any when he's not working, imagine a guy in a sweatshirt and his boxers either playing some sort of game online or it going on, on the tv right next to him. it's people with cards and little plastic chips sitting around a table trying to outwit each other. c'mon, go outside or something. i know i'm here a lot, let's go make mud pies or something. i'll give you pool hall junkies. i thought that was gonna be a stinker, but i was surprised. i don't think this'll fly. now, back to world of warcraft for another 15 hour haul. :)

December 12, 2004 at 7:41 AM  

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